Today’s episode presents a chat Greg had towards the end of last year with editor/author Robert Greenberger. The list of Bob’s credits is both long and distinguished, including almost 20 years as an editor at DC Comics overseeing such titles as Doom Patrol, Suicide Squad, Who’s Who, Crisis on Infinite Earths, The Atlantis Chronicles, and guiding the comics voyages of the Starship Enterprise during its DC publishing stint. He was also the founding editor of Comics Scene, a Starlog sister magazine of comics fandom from the 80s that provided a pre-Internet audience access to comics news and interviews. And when he’s not teaching high school English or moderating convention panels, Bob is a prolific prose writer & editor in his own right.
Bob graciously let Greg pepper him with questions about most of his comics career, expounding on such topics as the secret origin of Grant Morrison’s Doom Patrol run, how comics collections are put together, balancing creativity versus productivity in comics, the best freelancer lateness excuse he ever heard, the nuts & bolts of how comics are published at the Big Two level, and much more!