Another great interview lined up for you folks today, because Greg got the opportunity to sit down with the 6 Sidekicks of Trigger Keaton team of writer Kyle Starks and artist Chris Schweizer. They are both Eisner-nominated cartoonists in their own right, and have individually brought you such works as Sexcastle and Old Head in Kyle’s case, and The Crogan Adventures and The Roanoke Colony: America’s First Mystery in Chris’s. But these virtual studiomates have also started combining their talents on books like Rock Candy Mountain and Mars Attacks, and Trigger Keaton, now out in trade paperback from Image Comics, continues that trend.
Greg talks to them about their particular working dynamic over several projects, how COVID has changed the importance and avenues of social media and creator outreach, selling motion in a static medium, balancing comedy and drama without shortchanging either, which Keaton TV show would make the jump to the real world if they had their way, Kyle’s upcoming Fuck This Place ongoing series (starting May 18), just what the hell a ‘tiger truck’ is, and much more!