Greg and The DC3Cast’s very own Vince Ostrowski! wrap up their three-part look into the best Superman stories from the Bronze Age. It’s all Eighties all day long on this episode, as the discussion starts with the revamp of Lex Luthor and Braniac and finishes up in the aftermath of Crisis on Infinite Earths!
Crises! Birthday presents! Planets exploding! Planets not exploding! Team-ups great and small! All that plus Alan Moore gives us a look at Superman’s possible future on today’s episode!
[This is episode 807 in a series.]
The specific comics referred to in this episode are:
- Action Comics #544-546, 554, 583
- Superman #385-386, 400, 412-414, 423
- Superman Annual #11
- DC Comics Presents #61, 82, 85, 87
- Crisis on Infinite Earths #7, 11-12 (of 12)
All comics are available as individual issues on DC Universe Infinite except for Superman #385-386 and 400, and Action Comics #544-546.
Action Comics #544-546 and 400 are collected, either in full or excerpts, in the Adventures of Superman: Gil Kane or Superman: A Celebration of 75 Years collections.